martes, 23 de noviembre de 2010

New Curriculum levels 5 th to 1st half

                                       New Curriculum levels 5 th to 1st half

Since 2011, guided a new curriculum for grades 5° to 1° half , During that year and allow a flexible implementation during 2012, these plans will be mandatory.The purpose of this change relates to the need to provide more time to sectors that have most effect on the rest of learning, ie language and mathematics.
The increased time available to give teachers an opportunity to address their students to greater exercise in math and help them develop their own thinking skills in this discipline. Having more time will also address the diversity of its students, providing specific activities for different levels and learning styles.
Language regarding this increase will give them greater opportunities to focus on reading, spend an hour on a visit to the library (CRA), practice oral language skills in presentation and discussion activities with students and develop activities related abundant production of written texts.
In My opinion the education minister made a good advance in the chilean education and that in future people will be more intelligent than they are .I think that the piñera government doing a good work

                                                         Joaquin Lavin Education Minister
                                                       Sebastian Piñera President of Chile

martes, 9 de noviembre de 2010

Comment of Resident Evil 5 by Michel aracena

                                                      RESIDENT EVIL 5

In my opinion this game is the best game of action for XBOX 360 , PS3 , PC.
 Is a game awesome , contains action,emotion, etc. I like this game but I have no
XBOX 360 , Michel is good for this game , but he is addicted , this game is very addicted for the people ,This can be played online tambe is good , I recommend 100%, as long as you moderate jugues this game is not going to stop dead , but you lose much time in your daily routine also can be played in pairs,using the characters chris and sheva and start playing the story.

   Play it!!!

martes, 2 de noviembre de 2010

Free Topic!

                                                                    MU ONLINE

Mu online: Continent of Legend, or just Mu Online or MU, is a medieval adventure game 3D MMORPG type. It was inspired by the legend of the continent of Mu and the book by British writer James Churchward "The Lost Continent of Mu" also influenced by medieval mythology. As with most MMORPG goal is to reach the highest level with a character created and shaped by the player. In particular, Mu is known for its many fans. Also in the game there is a great use of chat language, abbreviations or acronyms, generally used to describe game content as races (Dark Knight: DK), game modes (Party, PT), places in the world (Lost Tower : LT), etc.In recent years, have joined a long list of servers "private", in which some are free, and some even charge for their services or benefits. They usually have some modifications to make the game easier. These servers have no right by the company behind the game
Characters:The game has 4 main characters: The Dark Knight, Dark Wizard, Elf and the Fairy Summoner, 2 additional characters that have multiple features advanced and should be a given level in order to create some basic. These are the Magic Gladiator and Dark Lord. Each character has 2 basic and advanced developments have 1, that to pursue them is to finish the Quest, quests to find objects
Game Modes:To carry out exchanges, gain experience and play in teams, where you can create a number of different options that bring the game, like guilds (clans), Alliances Guilds, Guild Wars can do, also through the game you will encounter new challenges as higher level you are, as the quest for character development, etc
In this game there are different events in which you must perform a specific mission which will gain experience (exp) to do quest or just for fun. Almost always the people 
Almost always the people who make events are GM (grand master) who are the administrators of the game. If you win you will give prizes as set or jewel.

                                                               DARK WIZARD
                                                        FAIRY SUMMONER
                                                         DARK KNIGTH(The Best)
                                                                  DARK LORD
                                                         MAGIC GLADIATOR